Geneva is…

Fine Luglio (un assaggio delle vacanze estive), luogo: la città di Ginevra. Una cara coppia di amici che abita in questa elegante città mi ha invitato a trascorrere un weekend con loro per scoprirla e trascorrere un po’ di tempo insieme. Alla fine, che dirvi? Ginevra è tante cose:

End of July (a taste of the summer holidays), location: the city of Geneva. A couple of dear friends who live in this elegant city invited me to spend a weekend with them to discover the place and spend some time together. At the end, what can I say to you? Geneva is so many things:

Finales de julio (saboreando las vacaciones de verano), lugar: la ciudad de Ginebra. Una pareja de queridos amigos que viven en esta elegante ciudad me invitó a pasar un fin de semana con ellos para descubrirla y pasar un poco de tiempo juntos. Después de todo, que les puedo contar? Ginebra es tantas cosas a la vez:

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E’ un interessante giro al Palais des Nations, la sede europea dell’ONU, per conoscere la storia e rendersi davvero conto del complesso lavoro che svolge la più grande organizzazione intergovernativa del pianeta.

Is an interesting tour of the Palais des Nations, the European headquarters of the UN, to know the history and truly reflect about the complex work that plays the largest intergovernmental organization on the planet.

Es un interesante recorrido por el Palais des Nations, la sede europea de la ONU, para conocer la historia y reflexionar acerca del complejo trabajo que desempeña la mayor organización intergubernamental del planeta.


E’ vedere i bimbi giocare nella Place des Nations, sotto le 12 file di getti d’acqua che simboleggiano il passaggio del tempo e capire che la formalità e la ricreazione possono convivere insieme.

Is to see the children playing at Place des Nations, under the 12 rows of water jets that symbolize the passage of time and understand that the formalities and recreation can coexist together.

Es ver a los niños jugando en la Place des Nations, en las 12 filas de chorros de agua que simbolizan el paso del tiempo y comprender que la formalidad y la recreación pueden coexistir juntos.


E’ fare un salto al giardino botanico e meravigliarsi con i fiori e le piante di tutto il mondo.

Is a visit to the botanical garden and wonder with flowers and plants from all over the world.

Es una visita al jardín botánico y maravillarse con las flores y plantas traídas desde todas partes del mundo.


E’ godersi un tramonto sul lungolago in compagnia dell’imponente Jet’Deau e i suoi 140 metri di altezza massima.

Is to enjoy the sunset along the lake in the company of the imposing Jet’Deau and its maximum height of 140 meters.

Es disfrutar de una puesta de sol junto al lago, en compañía del imponente Jet’Deau y sus 140 metros de altura máxima.


E’ andare in cima al Salève e ammirare dall’alto la città, il Jet’Eau e il Lac Léman, trascorrere un po’ di tempo al fresco raccontandoci le nostre vite, nonché farsi immortalare da un occhio allenato.

Is to go on top of Salève and admire the city, the Jet’Eau and Lac Léman, spend some   time in cool weather telling each other our lives, and be immortalized by a trained eye.

Es subir al Salève y admirar la ciudad, el Jet’Eau y Lac Léman, pasar un buen rato en su fresco clima y contarnos nuestras vidas, aprovechando para ser retratados por un ojo entrenado.


E’ fare una passeggiata per l’elegante Rue de la Confédération e ammirare i suoi palazzi e le sue incantevoli vetrine, a volte anche molto curiose.

Is to take a stroll through the elegant Rue de la Confédération and admire the buildings and them beautiful window shop, sometimes very curious.

Es pasear por la elegante Rue de la Confédération y admirar sus edificios con sus hermosas vitrinas, algunas de ellas muy curiosas.


E’ addentrarsi e percorrere le stradine della vecchia città e meravigliarsi ad ogni angolo con pezzi di storia che sono ancora lì a raccontarci come siamo arrivati ad oggi.

Is to get inside and stroll through the streets of the old town and marvel at each corner with pieces of history that still are there to tell us how we got to today.

Es adentrarse por las calles de la ciudad vieja y maravillarse en cada esquina con trozos de historia que todavía están ahí para contarnos cómo hemos llegado hasta hoy.


E’ visitare la cattedrale romanica di Saint-Pierre e salire 157 gradini per ammirare il campanile, una splendida veduta di 360 gradi sulla città e Lac Léman.

Is to visit the Romanesque Cathedral of Saint-Pierre and climb 157 steps to admire the bell tower, a stunning 360-degree view of the city and Lac Léman.

Es visitar la Catedral románica de Saint-Pierre y subir 157 escalones para admirar el campanario, una impresionante vista de 360 ​​grados sobre la ciudad y el Lac Léman.


E’ promettere se stessi di tornare in futuro per godersi ancora una volta questo piacevole angolo francofono della Svizzera.

Is promising to myself to return in the future to enjoy again this pleasant corner of the French-speaking Switzerland.

Es prometerse a sí mismo de volver en el futuro para disfrutar de este agradable rincón de la Suiza de habla francesa.

Water drops over flowers; the colors of spring; Chocolate truffle cake.

Places: Minoprio Foundation Gardens.

Spring has finally arrived. Here in northen Italy we dealed with a very dry weather during the winter, fortunately last two week were mostly rainy, otherwise we would have to deal with a severe drought, specially for the crops… at least that was what I heard on the news.

Meanwhile I took my gear last sunday (well covered in plastic of course) to do some shots of tulips at Minoprio Foundation Gardens (I wrote about that place on my last post, in Italian). The good thing was: there wasn’t so many people around (actually nobody). The greatest thing: shooting the water drops over the flowers, I really love the effect. The bad part: it rained all day long, so I haven’t had 10 minutes free of rain… otherwise I would have done my pictures with more calm… I wasn’t able even to use the tripod… Anyway, these are some of those shots I did there, using my beloved 100 mm Canon macro lens.


So many!!!  were are on Spring right??? in addition, these days I made a chocolate cake, so this pixelated rainbow has for sure many brown tones.

Flavors: Home made Chocolate truffle cake

My Friend Rebeca sent me recently some Venezuelan chocolate and a book plenty of chocolate recipes… What could I do with all that chocolate, that kind of book and my gear on my hands? 🙂 This Chocolate Truffle cake (so simple and so good)

Other stuffs: Meet The Inspiration Grid.

From their site: “The Inspiration Grid is a daily-updated gallery, an ever-expanding collection of images to inspire designers, artists and photographers”. One of my favorite links.